Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How Liberty Newsprint Uses FeedJournal

Joel Robinson at Liberty Newsprint kindly set aside some time for me to ask him how he uses FeedJournal to create new print-issues of the aggregated Internet newspaper.


What is Liberty Newsprint?

An experiment in content (news) distribution. I want to see if I can brand a compelling customized newspaper that people would be interested in reading, and eventually, quality content producers interested in contributing to.

What are you using FeedJournal for?

I'm using the FeedJournal application to assemble a variety of daily full-text RSS feeds into the Liberty Newsprint Daily Edition.

How has FeedJournal helped you?

Without FeedJournal it would be impossible to gather daily RSS feeds from the internet in such a readable newspaper format.

How do you plan to use FeedJournal in the future?

Eventually I see using FeedJournal as the application to print anything from the internet on a regular basis. Also, I see it as the application I'll use to customize news and information when I eventually buy an e-reader like the Kindle or any other future e-reader device.

What other ways do you see people using FeedJournal?

Any large to medium sized company that writes newsletters or has a bulletin board from a variety of sources would do well to use FeedJournal Publisher. FeedJournal could definitely help order and manage the flow of institutional information in a much more timely and efficient way. If you work for a large company think of how many e-mails you get about things that you'd rather read in an easy to read, up to date, RSS newsletter. For example, lunches, the company picnic, party, retirement... the list is long.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Private newspapers

A week ago, Stuart contacted me to ask if it is possible to generate newspapers with the Publisher service that are not hosted on FeedJournal. He was concerned about the privacy of his clients’ proprietary information.

Thanks to Stuart’s suggestions, it is now possible to disable FeedJournal hosting of PDF files by simply deselecting the check box Host on FeedJournal in the Publisher management interface. This new feature is immediately available to all users of the FeedJournal Publisher service.